At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. -- Lao Tzu

Saturday, May 26, 2007

For the love of a child

I suppose I started this blog because of the adoption and I should write something about what it means to me. We've been thinking and talking about this for the last 6 yrs. There was always something that stood in the way or something reason not to proceed. I made promises not to blog about this adoption so I'm not going to go into everything. Those who I want to know about it already know the story.

We are all very excited about Xian Yi and this adoption and are eagerly awaiting being able to say we are DTC (Dossier to China) very soon. This adoption has proven to me that there is order and a plan to the universe and things happen for a reason. This child was born to be ours and we have been waiting for her.

I hope that you (the family) understand how difficult her transition to our family may be. She may have behaviors that persist for years after coming home. If any of you have the fantasy that she will adjust by the time the wheels of the plane hit the ground, you need to change them. She will take as long as she takes to adjust and for a while after we come home life will be orchestrated to make her as comfortable as possible.

In other news, for the love of our boys, we have decided to homeschool them. Public school is becoming increasingly liberal and it's becoming harder all the time to police what they are being taught. But more importantly we could see the public school system grinding the love of learning out of the boys and we were seeing behaviors coming from peers that we didn't like. So, we've already started. We've planted a garden with vegetables. We've ordered books and games for math and critical thinking. The boys are very excited about it and so am I. I'm also terrified. Unschooling takes some more creativity than using a curriculum but I think it's the right choice for the boys.

OK, that's the family news for this week.

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